Online events in June: making safe space for women and girls

Build Back Fairer – Building female-friendly(safe) streets in Oxfordshire

First up, on 9 June, Oxfordshire Liveable Streets and Active Oxfordshire hosted the last in their series of Build Back Fairer events.

After five recent deaths of female cyclists in Oxford, there is some debate and discussion into evidence of female cyclists being more at risk than males.

The event looks at evidence and research on this topic and addresses how our streets can be designed to make them safer for women to walk and cycle.

If you couldn’t make the live event, you can watch a recording here:

Watch the previous talks in the Build Back Fairer series here.

How can we design cities for women?

Image: London Legacy Development Corporation

On 16 June, as part of the London Festival of Architecture the London Legacy Development Corporation has invited speakers to discuss how a gender equality-based approach is re-shaping cities:

“Inequality is spatially reinforced by design. Inadequately designed urban environments, historically shaped by men, can make life difficult for everyone but disproportionately affects women. Surveys have shown that many women do not feel safe when walking alone at night and adapt their behaviour and use of the city, steering clear of certain areas and avoiding being out after a certain time. That cities’ design impact on the ability of women and girls to engage in employment, education, civic and community life, as well as social and leisure activities, is unacceptable.”

The issue of women and girls’ safety in public spaces is a complex issue that requires an integrated and coordinated approach across a range of different sectors. The webinar will hear from speakers across a wide range of sectors in order to share knowledge, discuss and debate gender inequality issues in public realm, and compare approaches and initiatives.

Date and time: Thursday, 16 June 2022, 10:00-11:45
Agenda and free registration: How can we Design Cities for Women?

What would a city designed by women be like?
Cities are supposed to be built for all of us, but they aren’t built by all of us. Every city in the world has been designed and built by men. On International Women’s Day, this BBC article, short film and radio feature ask how things might look if the other half had a go...
Make Space for Girls