Playing Out: impact of play streets on physical activity and public health

On 13 January, Playing Out interviewed Dr William Bird MBE and presented evidence on the impact of play streets as one part of the solution for tackling the physical activity and well-being crisis currently facing our children.

According to Playing Out:

“Even before lockdown, only 18% of children in the UK were getting the recommended 60 minutes a day of physical activity, contributing to obesity and other major health problems and with children from lower income households the worst affected.

Unstructured outdoor play is fundamental to children’s healthy development and is also one of the easiest, most natural ways for children to be physically active in their daily lives, as well to socialise and have fun.

This webinar will inspire, motivate and provide evidence for how play streets can support increased physical activity levels and improved health and well-being for children and communities.”

The impact of play streets on children’s health

Playing Out have created a page on their website which presents the evidence available on play streets for those who work in public health or are interested in improving children’s physical and mental wellbeing.

Read Playing Out’s blog for the highlights of the webinar, or watch a recording here: