Community Spotlight on school travel: no safe routes for children in Headington Following recent protests by parents at Headington and Barton schools afraid for the safety of their children on the school run, this first in our series of posts on school travel looks at the reasons behind the lack of infrastructure enabling active travel for children in Headington.
Community Help shape plans to improve Headington Centre Find out more at an exhibition of ideas in Headington next Saturday, 29 October.
Community What creates healthy cities? The places we live are the most significant determinant of our health outcomes. A Public Seminar at the Global Centre on Healthcare & Urbanisation explored this topic, including in relation to the recent transport proposals for Oxford.
Community Protected cycle lanes come to Headington! Wands and orcas have been spotted on Warneford Lane in Headington – a rare sight in Oxford!
Community Street Voice: a Citizens’ Jury for Headington – live updates now available A team at the University of Oxford is organising a Citizens’ Jury to help answer important questions about how people can travel where they need to in Oxford in a climate-friendly way that promotes health. You can now follow recordings and live blogging from the sessions.
Community Councillors urged to back a cleaner, greener and safer Oxford With the local elections behind us, newly elected councillors are urged to use their mandate to get behind measures that will make our city cleaner, greener and safer for everyone.
Community Future-proofing our streets for new homes and jobs With plans for thousands of new homes on Headington’s periphery and elsewhere around Oxford, action is needed now to prioritise public transport and active travel.
Community Putting people at the heart of our streets Playing Out recently spoke to Chris Boardman MBE, National Commissioner at Active Travel England, the government’s new executive agency for cycling and walking, about how play streets contribute towards increasing active travel and creating liveable streets for all.
Community Step into spring with Slow Ways Slow Ways is an initiative to create a national network of verified walking routes using existing paths, ways, trails and roads. Find out how you can help by simply walking a Slow Ways route.
Community How can we Share Our Cars? At a recent presentation, Oxford resident Emily Kerr of Share Our Cars talked about the motivation behind the closed-loop car share scheme she set up with her neighbours in Iffley Fields and how communities can create their own.
Community A return to the 15-minute neighbourhood? Your views needed The Coalition for Healthier Streets and Active Travel (CoHSAT) is inviting people living in Oxfordshire to take part in a survey about the everyday amenities they would most like to have within walking distance of where they live.
Community Get ready for Headington winter lights The trees lining Headington’s main shopping street will be illuminated on 19 November to coincide with Oxford’s Christmas Light Festival. Residents will be dusting off their Christmas lights in other parts of the neighbourhood, too.
Community Building an inclusive Oxfordshire – disability access in public space Join Katie Pennick of Transport for All and a host of local voices at the third in this series of monthly Build Back Better events focused on how we can shape healthier places by making our public environments more accessible for all.
Community Build Back Fairer: addressing inequalities of access to Oxfordshire’s public space Active Oxfordshire has launched a series of events to bring multi-sector partners together and consider how we might address inequalities of access to our streets, parks and other public spaces to shape Oxfordshire as a happier and healthier place.
Community How healthy is your street? A healthy street is one in which all people feel welcome, relaxed and safe, where people can choose to walk and cycle and spend time. The 10 Healthy Streets Indicators are the aspects necessary for streets to be inclusive, healthy environments.
Community Pedal-powered parklets on the move Parklets are popping up in cities around the country as community groups and local authorities encourage us all to question our use of public space. ETA has come up with a novel mobile solution.
Community Building a Playful Oxfordshire: how child-friendly planning and design can save cities Another chance to catch Oxfordshire Liveable Streets’ and Active Oxfordshire’s excellent online talk with Tim Gill, author of Urban Playground, which considered how viewing our neighbourhoods through the lens of children can make them better for everyone.
Community Car-sharing: the end of a monogamous relationship Headington resident Charles Young talks through the pros and cons of serving the divorce papers on his car in favour of joining a car club, while Hannah Kirby outlines how the scheme works.
Community e-Scooters? OK – but not on the pavements Pink e-Scooters have been a common sight around Headington since the start of the 12-month trial this February. But the recent addition of designated e-Scooter bays has drawn attention to where they’re stored: on our already crowded pavements.
Community Is local kids’ independence the price for drivers’ convenience? Long queues of parents practising social distancing at the school gates has become an everyday sight since children returned to school after lockdown and is likely to remain so for a good while yet. The pandemic has changed the school run for many families, bringing questions about our shared roads
Community From Tiny Forests mighty things grow Oxford’s first Tiny Forests arrived in January, and one is located adjacent to Dunstan Park off Foxwell Drive in the northwest of Headington, next door to Northway
Community What would a city designed by women be like? Cities are supposed to be built for all of us, but they aren’t built by all of us. Every city in the world has been designed and built by men. On International Women’s Day, this BBC article, short film and radio feature ask how things might look if the other half had a go...
Community What’s a Sneckdown? Spring appears to have sprung in Headington, so we wanted to share something fun before the recent snowfall becomes a distant memory for another year. Introducing the Sneckdown...
Community Welcome to our new Website The days are getting longer and the skies brighter... there is warmth in the air and the beginnings of spring are just around the corner. As summer approaches we will be able to stop and greet each other properly on our walks through the streets and parks of Headington, and